Key Technology Trends for Business Agendas in 2022
No matter what type of business you are in, technology is something that you will have to deal with. Incremental productivity improvements were the main benefits of technology earlier. However, today, technology has achieved so much that was previously unachievable. Effective alignment and use of technology can enhance the innovation capabilities of an organization and fundamentally change business scenarios.
This article highlights the key technology trends that are changing the landscape of the business models.
Best Technology Trends for 2022
We have all the information on some of the hottest technology trends that will drive business innovations in the coming year. Read on.
According to Thomson Reuters Foundation – the global news and information services company, cryptocurrency is one of the technology trends that is going mainstream. In fact, El Salvador in Central America is the first nation to make Bitcoin (the most popular and original cryptocurrency) a legal tender in September 2021. In the meantime, central banks in Canada, Sweden, the UK, and the European Union are among those who have begun to consider the possibility of their own digital currencies.
Democratization of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one technology that has significantly upset business processes. So far, businesses have not been able to tap into the complete potential of AI and Machine Learning (ML). However, in 2022, AI and ML will be the most crucial technologies, along with cloud computing and 5G. Almost all industry sectors consider AI as a significant value creator in improving customer experience, automating procedures, and solidifying employee engagement by utilizing data-driven insights.
Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is an emerging technology trend that utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics to resolve issues that are too complex for classical computers to solve. Though quantum computers are almost a decade away from being used widely, we are now witnessing technologies emerge in the market that use quantum principles. These machines and have the ability to create a significant impact on the compute power of heavy industries. Current optimization algorithms are being redesigned and accelerated by using quantum mechanics principles. Financial services, pharmaceutical and biotech sectors can explicitly gain an advantage from quantum computing as they need highly scalable computing power.
Reskilling Workforce
The year 2022 will see businesses having a greater emphasis on agility, transparency, culture, and purpose-driven leadership. Based on the latest industry reports, 54% of the world’s labor force will need upskilling and reskilling. The factors to consider while reskilling workforce talent to adapt to technology advancements are:
Aligning Human Resources (HR) with C-Suite Technology Priorities.
It is crucial for HR teams to keep an open dialogue with C-Suite to be aware of the new and existing trends.
Utilize Internal Talent to Reduce the Ramp to Productivity.
For businesses to witness a return on their technology investment they will need a human lens. To do this, organizations need to make use of their internal talent, who best knows and understands the business and its processes.
Build the culture of constant learning to help set up high-demand skills.
Investing in a work culture where learning and skills are crucial to success enables employees to grow with the business.
Organizations are already setting up spaces in the metaverse — virtual worlds where users can get together in their avatars. Users can also own virtual assets and trade these legally as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Organizations are gearing up for a radical transformation even as the technology for the metaverse is being built.
Offering growth opportunities, reskilling existing talent, and attaining young talent can help an organization nurture out-of-the-box thinking. Furthermore, this can help build loyalty that is robust to challenges in the marketplace.