The BABOK guide provides the core of the knowledge required for the CBAP exam. You will need to read the guide several times and take notes. Keep track of the key concepts and think of what questions may get asked. Make the most of CBAP sample question packs and simulation tools (and CBAP flash cards) that your training partner provides.
As you get nearer to the exam date, keep practising and start to time yourself to ensure that you’re finishing the exam within the allocated time.
You should follow a planning framework similar to the one outlined here. Include these elements for each exam preparation session you include in your overall study plan:
Session topic
Describe the topic you plan to study here. Typically, this could be a knowledge area or a subset of techniques.
Chapter and/or sections
Reference the BABOK Guide v3 and this study guide’s chapter and sections you plan to finish during a session.
Allocate the date when you plan to do each study session.
How do you plan to measure whether you understand the topic well enough and have successfully finished the session (for example, pass a quiz)?
Check this off as “complete” if you have done this day’s session of study successfully.